Three Criteria for the
Best Daycare Program
Parents want the best for their children, and that includes the best daycare program. Daycare is a significant part of a child’s life, so finding the very best daycare for your child should be a high priority. We recommend that you take a tour of any daycare you are considering. Here are three important things to look for on your tour.
Clean, Safe, and Inviting Environment
Obviously, a daycare facility should be clean and safe. On your tour, be sure to inspect the outside as well as the inside.
Look at the toys and the spaces for creative play. Are there art supplies, dress-up clothes, and musical instruments on hand? Are their different stations in the classrooms for different types of activities? Is there playground equipment outside?
High Participation of Children
When observing children in a classroom on your tour, take note of how interested and engaged each child is in the activity. Also pay attention to how involved the staff is in encouraging child to participate. The best daycare programs ensure that all children participate at a level that is comfortable.
Loving, Well-trained Staff
While you are on your tour, it should be easy to observe the attitudes of the staff. Watch for signs of affection between the staff and the children.
It may be more difficult to gauge the staff’s level of training, but one clue is how well a teacher can control the class and keep the interest of the children. Another clue is if you see age-appropriate toys and activities available for different ages. This shows that the daycare has an understanding of development and the progression from stage to stage.
Learning Zone Is the Best Daycare Program Near You
Come and take a tour of a Learning Zone near you. You’ll find all the things you are looking for in a daycare and more! Our newest location is Learning Zone Preschool Gallatin, TN