Preschools Murfreesboro Moms and Dads Trust
Why are Learning Zones the preschools Murfreesboro parents trust? Because at Learning Zone, children receive a well-rounded preschool experience. Learning Zone is also one of the premier preschools Nashville TN has to offer. We would love for you to join our family.
Teaching Communication Skills
Communication is one of the cornerstones of child development that we emphasize at Learning Zone. It helps children understand and explain their thoughts, feeling, and knowledge. In this blog, we discuss three ways you as a parent can boost your child’s communication skills.

1. Introduce New Words
Children have limited vocabularies. A two year old typically uses 50 words. While a three-year-old has increased his vocabulary to around 200 words. You can increase their vocabulary by reading to them during the day or at bedtime. You also could listen to child-approved podcasts when traveling in the car.
2. Verbalize Your Own Feeling and Thoughts
Children often model their responses after their caregivers. Express your own feelings and thoughts when you’re with your child. Ask your child what their thoughts and feelings are.
3. Include Your Child in Conversations
A child may feel left out while others talk. Be sure to include them in conversations. Try these suggestions:
- Ask them what they think about foods. If they don’t like a food, have them explain why.
- If you’re talking about your difficult day, ask your child about any problems he may have had. This will, eventually, help them open up to you without prompting.
- Ban all cell phones at your table at mealtime and talk to your kids about your day and their day.
- Explain the steps in what you’re doing – such as how to set the table, how to turn on the TV, how to wash the car, etc.
The Premiere Preschools in Murfreesboro
Learning Zone is one of the best preschools in Murfreesboro. We have four locations to serve you.