Top Daycares in Murfreesboro
Know the Importance of Daily Attendance
Some parents pull their child out of daycare regularly. They may go to the zoo, visit grandma, or just keep their child home for the day. Each of these absences may have their own benefits, but they also can have disadvantages. Too many absences at daycare will result in missing important aspects of the curriculum. Absences also disrupt the routine that daily attendance provides. The top daycares in Murfreesboro know that absences cannot be avoided. But they also know that regular, daily attendance is important for your child.
A Daycare Curriculum Builds on Daily Learning
Just like elementary school, daycares have a curriculum where learning occurs each day. If your child misses a day, he could lose an opportunity for learning, and it may take him a long time to get caught up with the rest of the class.
These are some things a child could fall behind on with too many absences:
- Number recognition
- Letter recognition
- Reading skills
- Language skills
At Learning Zone, we use a S.T.E.A.M. curriculum called Learning Beyond Paper that emphasizes hands-on approaches to learning as well as concepts. The carefully crafted lesson plans meet each child at their developmental level.
Routine Helps Create Stability
Children, especially, like routine. By developing the habit of attending daycare each day, they are adopting patterns that will serve them well throughout life. The following are the benefits of daily attendance:
- Developing confidence in completing the goals of the school’s activities
- Creating the feeling of security and stability in following a consistent routine
- Setting a pattern for later school attendance that will lead to academic success
Learning Zone Is One of the Top Daycares in Murfreesboro
The Learning Zone is eager to provide your child with daycare that will enrich your family’s lives. Call us today to learn more or to set up an appointment to tour out facilities. Also, make sure to checkout our new preschools in Nolensville and new preschools in Smyrna.