Warning! Construction Ahead
September is Architecture Month at Learning Zone. To kick things off, Mrs. Shannon asked her class at the start of the month what an architect does. Several students said they didn’t know, and others gave these answers:
- Plants flowers
- Makes money
- Builds airplanes
- Sticks glue together
And one young student said, “My dad’s an architect.” (Of course, that didn’t really answer the question.)
Our teachers have a lot of activities planned for our “little architects.” They will be doing a lot of hands-on “building” at Learning Zone in September. So, at the end of the month, when Mrs. Shannon asks the question again, we know the answers will all be correct!
Our Philosophy of Learning
We believe that students develop, learn and thrive first through imaginative play. All our learning activities are engaging and hands-on – just like Architecture Month. If your child would benefit from this approach to learning, we would love for you to give us a call. We offer the best childcare Murfreesboro has to offer and we also have a childcare center in Nashville.
Going Green
Many of the building materials that the young architects are using are recycled materials. Of course, this activity includes many other cognitive processes, such as decision making, size comparison, balancing, and creative thinking.
Constructing Skyscrapers
Our younger children are using construction paper to “build” skyscraper pictures. As they are making their pictures, they are learning about rectangles. They are also practicing counting as they glue lots of little rectangular “windows” on the skyscraper.
Our students are also learning about designing buildings. They are using their small motor skills to draw lines and circles on their very own blueprints. The hard hats, levels, protractors, and clip boards all add to the authenticity of the learning experience.